Friday, January 21, 2011


Its translated by Wikipedia – free online dictionary, stuck means not moving or flowing or motionless. Its only showing little or no sign of activity or advancement, not developing or progressing.

I had ever gone through a stagnant period of my life. When I felt uninspired and unmotivated, nothing moves, dreams were far away from coming true, problem after problem, when everything seemed like out of God’s sight and I only lived a “deadly life” a life without soul, hopeless, exhausted, prayers just blown away.

When prayer seems more like struggle and I found myself repeating the same requests over and over and even wonder, "Is anyone really listening?" Then I cried out loud : “Did it mean anything to YOU, Lord? I didn’t see things happen”.

Many times I just sit back and learn to live with things that are less than God’s best. I was just hopeless that life is ever going to get any better.

How about you? Have you ever been in a stagnancy of your life? Prayers are left unanswered?

Do you realize that even not all Jesus’ prayers were being answered? I take comfort in remembering that Jesus too, had unanswered prayers. It was occurred in the garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus struggled with God, pleading with loud cries and tears to the one who could save HIM from death. “Everything is possible for YOU” Jesus pleaded to the Father. “Take this cup from me”.

But, we all might have known, it was not happening. HE died on the cross. The cup was not being taken from HIM. HE did not get the salvation but HE got instead the salvation of the world.

There are no unanswered prayers, but sometimes the answer is NO.

But, do we believe that no matter it takes HIS plan is the best for us? Do we believe that HE is never leave us alone?

God never promise a life without pain, laughter without tears. HE never promised that you won't meet a problem, but HE promised that you are able to solve it. HE grants you sufficient grace and strength to live your life.

We can stir our faith today to rise up higher, be happier, and live a more fulfilled life. We’ve got to learn how to shake of complacency.

When waiting your prayers answered, HE provides you patience. When having your prayers answered, HE adds you faith. When later HE says NO, HIS courage and strength are sufficient to hold you and keep your heart remain joyful. Keep praying !!

Monday, January 3, 2011


Entering 2011, a new year is always a new chance, new hope of change and a resolution. There’s a saying that new is for change, without change new is unnecessary.

I’ve never thought seriously about a resolution of a new year so far. What I have done usually after counting down the time is to thank God on HIS kindness, strength and grace HE granted me along the years passed by, and a little prayer that the upcoming year would be better than before. It has never been that distinctive and specific goal I set for next year.

Better is never measurable. I avoid committing myself to something which is measurable by numbers or any other metric. For instance, to have some Kg’s of weight loss within 6 or 12 executing months.

Even it was just for fun, I had ever declared of a funny resolution which I called “RESOLUSI TAHUN BARU ANTI GAGAL” (a fail proof new year’s resolution). What was in it? It contains of a row of non measurable things to be achieved in the upcoming year, such as : to be a better person, more love and care, laugh a lots, et cetera. How could you declare yourself achieve things without knowing / measuring the achievement?

How would you measure yourself of becoming a better person? How good you would become? This kind of promise or resolution or commitment is never ever been able to be justified. So, you can’t determine whether you success to accomplish it or fail at all.

I hate to declare myself of starting all over again. WHY? Oftentimes it relates to the things that I have not successfully done. That’s why a new year’s resolution is never been serious to me before. I was afraid to make a mistake and fail. It is hard dealing with failure and the guilt. The worse part is when I fail to believe in my self.

But, something come across my mind, a bothering question then. Despite a new year's resolution,  isn't a plan  needed before executing things? Don't we believe that when we fail to plan we plan to fail? I had never realized when I lost my faith dealing with failure, it was an ignorant of God's mercy and grace that enable me to stand up every time I fall.

This thought was encouraging me to think of a plan how to live my life in the upcoming year, more than just a beautiful resolution, but I have to oversee my regimen in order to gain meaningful things in  life, that I have to move from a comfortable zone by living a mediocre life to a miraculous zone to live a blessed victorious life.

What’s now? Here is some of my measurable new year’s resolution.
1.      Live  a healthy life by having exercise 4 times a week at 2 hours / each
2.      Spend 2 more hours to read
3.      Post new entry into my blog twice a month
4.      (What else? Some more personal things that I could not share, but believe me, they are all measurable).

Finally, my wish for you, may you have a bright today with much to be thankful for, a path that leads to the beautiful tomorrows, dreams that do best to come true and an appreciation of all the wonderful things about you. May The Lord lead you every step into victory of your life, grant you strength to live and accomplish your new year’s resolution.



Before I continue writing, forgive me for the title of this post that may sounds like it understates the meaning of marriage. NO! It is not ...