Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The story was started on November 22 2008 when I was attending a women conference at the church held by our women ministry. Out of sudden, a lady approached me and she introduced herself. She said that she had ever seen me in her dream. Although we are in the same church [and I know she is the wife of one of the church's minister], but we don't know each other personally.

She sent me an email few days later, asking if we could spend some time together and have a chat. We set an appointment but the time goes by and we still could not fulfill it.

One fine evening, on November 6 2009, we had our dinner. Actually This was the very first time we had a conversation, a chat in real. She told me her family, her past, her most important part in life, the failure, the hurt, the recover, restoration. The way she live her life in God's grace. The way she live her faith. It was surely NOT the things she would share to everyone. We just did it, just like we have known each other years before.

I can't help my self from crying, a grateful tears, since everything she shared was God's answer of what I had been seeking so far. The most important thing I learned is the acceptance of her life, even when she had to go through hardship. Either the way she build a communication with God.

WHAT A COINCIDENCE, we didn't know each other before. I do believe there is nothing in my life is a coincidence. Coincidence is when God works anonymously. God worked in us at the very time. HE changed something in me, change the way I communicate with HIM, the way I respect and treat our relationship, the way I accept my self, change my paradigm.

My wrongdoings and sins had influenced my relationship with God, the guilty feeling is the biggest obstacle to restart the relationship, especially in prayer. I used to think that I had to prepare a special time with no disturbance to start talking with God, while she said I can talk and communicate with HIM whenever and wherever I am, without a guilty feeling. Because HE is our Father, our God, our Lord, our Best Friend, and a great counselor ever. [I knew it but never think and feel HE really is, what a bad attitude Ita !!]

Sharing about my daughter, she said that God's arrangement is amazing, just trust HIM and HE will make everything beautiful in its time.

Oh my God, what an amazing night YOU granted us. YOU [again] amaze me, even in an ordinary thing [which doesn't sound spiritual, or any of it], YOU answer my question, my doubt, YOU strengthen me through a good friend tonight, an angel without wings YOU sent to wake me up that YOUR abundant love and YOUR holy blood has removed my sins and place me to glorious life. YOU never leave, YOU live in me. YOU love me.

Note : my dearest friend, "thank you" is never enough to express my gratitude to your presence that night. You are an angel without wings God sent me. I deeply thank you.

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