Saturday, August 13, 2011


Happy Ending is oftentimes epitomized in the standard fairy tale ending phrase, "happily ever after" or "and they lived happily ever after”.

“One Thousand and One Nights stories” – (kisah seribu satu malam) has the more restrained formula they lived happily until there came to them the One who destroys all happiness (i.e. Death). Satisfactory happy endings are happy for the readers / viewers as well, in that the characters he or she sympathizes with are rewarded. However, some consider this as not an ending, but an open path for a possible sequel.

Are you happy yet?

Every one pursues happiness in life. While in a happening, happy ending does not always mean happy for all. There is always loser, as you can not win everything. The problem also lies in the way we perceive happiness.

I read somewhere : “In the beginning happiness was a large crystal ball. The gods used to play with it. One day, while they were asleep, Happiness fell on the earth and shattered into millions of tiny little pieces. People were so fascinated with their beauty that immediately collecting them. Some gathered a lot, others found only a few. No one, however, could collect them all”.

The debate on whether money can buy happiness or not, has been going on for long enough, yet no one seems to be able to say for sure the correct answer is. There is also a saying that happiness come from within, we are the happiness itself. We are that large crystal ball that shattered into millions of tiny pieces.

To me, happiness is a decision. If life is pictured as a long journey, and every bend in the road is mark of a closing of one moment / happening / story in life, I would choose to be always happy, as much as I could be. Whatever it might be in life, better or worse, richer or poorer, health and sick, I hope I will always have time to stop a while, to laugh and thank God, in that oftentimes “bumpy road” called life, for I know HE is in me.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. [Rome 8:28]

There are no happy endings. There are only moments – millions of them- which we ought to live through out our live, choose to be happy!

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