Friday, November 13, 2009


Its only 2 more days heading to my birthday. Besides the best wishes, a birthday moment is always a gratitude to The Lord for every day's blessing, guidance, love, strength and HIS faithfulness.

When I recall the way GOD brings me to today, HIS never ending love that soothe my tears when I bring all the burden on HIS lap, HIS nodded head that understand me more than others [even more than I understand my self], HIS smile when HE recognize me doing something right [did I ever?], HIS eyes starring at me when I doubt HIM and it made HIM sad.

GOD, many times I just don't understand YOUR scenario and how all those things work for my good, I don't understand why certain things happen in my life. Even when there were someones did the wrongdoing on me, YOU asked me to forgive and bless.

Please bear with me LORD, be patient with me, give me more time to learn myself to understand within my limitation. I learn myself to comprehend that YOU love me, somehow, YOU have given Jesus Christ for me, so that I can receive life in eternity.

Forgive me LORD, most of the time when I doubt YOU, when I lost my faith and worry of the things. Many moments, I just could not pray and YOU seems so far away, but The Holy Spirit in me softly speaks to my heart that YOU are in me and never leave me alone.

I learn LORD, learn to know YOU better, to align my heart with YOUR heart so that I can feel, think and live YOUR love in my life. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardships as the pathway to peace,taking [as YOU did] this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it, trusting that YOU will make all things right, if I surrender to YOUR will, that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with YOU, forever in the next.

I thank YOU LORD JESUS & I sing praises to YOUR name, to declare YOUR loving kindness that YOU have redeemed my sins, YOUR faithfulness that YOU always accept me the way I am, no matters how many times I have failed, YOUR great patience to restore my life. If I live the way I am today, its only by YOUR amazing grace.

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