Saturday, November 7, 2009


How well do I know myself? (when it comes to the stage of writing them down, well, let’s see). So, here they come :

  • Born as Chinese-Indonesian, in November 15 1972 in a small town in Kediri, East Java, Indonesia
  • Grew up there till finishing my senior high school, then I continued study in Hotel and Tourism in Nusa Dua - Bali
  • After moving several times, pursuing my career as a hotelier, now I live in Surabaya, where is only 2 hours drive from Kediri
  • When in my childhood, I was called (read : was bullied) as a "Cina item" in Bahasa Indonesia, or "black Chinese", its from an unique combination of my complexion and eyes which is ...
  • Got commonly Indonesian complexion and yet so authentic oriental look with small Chinese eyes.
  • I am the only daughter in the family, no sibling
  • My Papa passed away when I was 11 and my Mom when I was 13
  • I have been starting to make important decisions of my life since then
  • I have a degree in Hotel and Tourism, started career as hotelier, and still being so, am a Hotelier, and ....
  • A professional in Human Resources Management and people strategic learning & development
  • Got married when I was 21, divorced when my kid was 2 years old, my friends said : "Too young to tie the knot" :)
  • My lovely little Kiki now is a beautiful grown-up woman
  • I am a single working mom
  • I enjoy my singleness, nevertheless I do not want to spend the rest of my life alone
  • I love my job, but I am not my job
  • I am a people oriented, interested in learning about people, culture, behavior, way of life
  • My life is so colorful, although its tough sometimes - C'est la vie
  • I believe all things work for my good
  • I'm a positive person who always (try to) look at the positive sight of every happening.
  • I've been learning to be more patient and persistent, more discipline and consistent
  • I am so love to be taken photographed, although without any make up. While on the contrary, 
  • Stand up on a BODY SCALE is the most thing I hate
  • I had my first camera when I was 9 years old
  • I love singing, to me it’s a kind of a self expression and stress release, and the pretty way I worship God.
  • I always on “see food” diet. It means when I SEE food I EAT it. That is what I describe my diet. No, I  am kidding - I eat according to my goal, to be healthy!
  • I don’t cook daily - I am trying to learn as part of my attempt to fulfill my role as a Mom (and Dad as well), thank God my daughter had never complained (not at all) of any dishes I serve, on the other hand she always say thankfully “Thank you Mommy. This is good and I love you” (Wow, what a blessing!!!)
  • I laugh a lot as well as cry a lot. The most enjoyable moment is when I laugh at my saddest situation, laugh at the hardship. Its a part of God's amazing grace. I believe HIS grace is the only strength to sustain me while being in the hardship.
  • I hate hypocrisy - but in this wretched place, I have no other way but to accept it calmly and never let it ruin my life
  • I am a city woman - I freaked out when traveling to remote areas
  • I am not attached to my mobile phone and laptop, at least I try not too. I (surely) can live without it, but nowadays, all is about connection, yup! Work, social life, daily needs... Life is at hand. Well, basically I do not want to be controlled by mobile phone 
  • I love to read - but forget what I have read as soon as I closed the book :p
  • I still make mistakes in 'he' 'his' and 'she' 'her' - English is not my first language
  • I love good steak - but I wish to become a vegetarian one day [Hmm..., can I?]
  • I judge book from its cover. Yes, I do, at the first encounter, I notice gesture and diction!
  • I am scared of dolls and transvestites, cross dressed men (they scare the living hell out of me!!)
  • I am always amazed by the energy of an Aerobic Instructor :-) (my daughter laughs every time I tell her this, because I only amazed by it and never really try to do Aerobic itself)
  • Oftentimes, I don't finish reading all the books displayed near my bed lamp, the guilty feeling arise every time I see them being neglected, ups!! 
  • Relax means, let my alarm clock beeping, snooze it ten times and still I don't get up from my bed
  • Traveling is my other hobby
  • I can't take hot [pedas] food, it causes me a stomachache and that I would be taking a 'sick leave' the day after. My staffs would always remind me when I took a chili or any kind of 'sambal' that - "Ma'am, tomorrow is not a day off". Sambal/Cabai or chilli  is only for Friday lunch since Saturday I can take the whole following day off to 'enjoy' the stomachache.
  • Avoid drinking while having meals, otherwise I got a full stomach instantly
  • Can not help seeing a piece of hair fall, got to move on and pick it up and throw it away, out of my sight
  • Impulsive [trying hard to handle this better]
  • Loving and caring person [my friends would love to give testimony about this. Yes!]
  • Convincing (aha!!)
  • Moody
  • I hate numbers
  • I love (enjoying) flowers but not to plant and take care of them growing
  • I love roses, to me they "speak" love in a language that only heart can understand :)
  • I love coffee, my daughter has to stop me when I took more than 2 cups a day, unintentionally. 
  • I am so predictable, anyway.
  • If I came to the same eating places as I've visited them before, I would take exactly the same menu. I bet you, I will.
  • I am grateful with friendship, remembering their birthday is one of the ways I keep them in touch.
  • I like to hold the hand of people who is near me, whether we are sitting or walking together. Of course not just anyone's hand, for me it is a gesture of mine that is saying that I care about him/her.
  • My daughter and I always hold hands, whenever and wherever that was possible.
  • I accept and love my self the way I am. A good friend of mine, Edgar Dy said that happiness comes to the point of acceptance. 
  • I hate falling in love. It causes my intellectual level go down to the bottom and my emotions take control (No one is smart when in love).
  • Just like believing, loving is a decision. So, instead of falling in love, I would mindfully choose to love!
  • I wish I still keep in touch with people who had helped me in the past, those had invested time to (even only) pray for me, they have taken a part of making me the way I am today
  • One of the reason I start this blog is that oftentimes I wanted to share things / story, I got no one around
  • The 2nd reason is that I love English, try hard to consistently post the new entries (articles) in English, I still in a big enthusiasm to learn it more, although some posts I intend to post it in Bahasa Indonesia for special reasons
  • Call me 'old fashioned' but when in a relationship (unfortunately), I am faithful.
  • I hate skinny people who always complain that they are fat
  • Since primary school, I have shown my leadership skill and always wanted to be the leader of the crowd. My perception is, I don't want to be just someone in the crowd, just one of those people, I wanna be recognized, I want to stand out! That's why, most of the time, people will choose me (or I volunteer) to be the leader of group
  • I am a miracle believer. Miracle is an intervention by God to make something happen that would not normally happen
  • If I could change one thing about myself, it would be my moodiness
  • The talent I wish I had is the ability to play piano
  • I am a perfume lover, I do it since I was a kid, I used to take and sprayed my Mom's perfume to my school uniform and just feel more confident. I believe everyone loves the fragrance or I was just influenced by the commercials, but still,  I love perfume,  the fragrance always do good to me, especially when not in a good mood
  • I love pashmina too, pashmina can just do fantastic in changing my dress style, from business attires to party dress, just substitute office jacket with a pashmina, and ..... bingo! Simple, elegant, classy!
  • I am always so excited to take shower again and again every time I have new fragrance of body soap or shower gel
  • I love watching movies. I learn a lot from movies. Some movies I watched repeatedly and while watching I will  be busy google-ing anything related to the movie.
  • In unpleasant situations, music always helps me in turning my mood better. It always does.
  • What motivates me to do _the extra miles_ in work or personal life? A sense of meaning (usefulness) for others, while ...
  • Criticism somehow makes me down. They are not always bad, some of them were really a constructive feedback, but still, it takes me sometime to accept it and be okay with it
  • When in panic, sad, or in unpleasant situation, what I look for to ease my self first is water, to wash my hand, it feels like that I had clean and free from this unpleasant things
  • I believe that when someone in love he / she would be in a big curiosity of his / her crush, always wanting to know more and more, and will remember every detail of it. I think being romantic is impossible without having those details in mind
  • One of my consideration in choosing hair salon is the magazines they provide
  • What kind of person I am? What kind of personalities live in me? In 3 words, in my own language, in my humble opinion, I am a simple, logic and caring person (wink)

[hmmm..... I think, that is all for now, this post will always be updated along the way I get to know myself better day to day, and I will write them down soon I got it in my mind]

1 comment:

Euodia Ita said...

Try hard to recall every single thing of my self


Before I continue writing, forgive me for the title of this post that may sounds like it understates the meaning of marriage. NO! It is not ...