Tuesday, October 5, 2010


This writing is dedicated to Erin on the passing away of her beloved Mom.

Erin is one of my daughter’s school mates while in PETRA elementary school. They were three and closed each other : Kiki, Claudia and Erin. [in this picture : upper part : Kiki, center : Claudia and right :Erin].

I myself know Erin’s mother well, we met quite often especially in the parents meeting and fellowship. Erin’s father is a reverend who gives his life to serve in the small church at the north part of my home town, Kediri.

It was shocking when few weeks ago we got a news on the passing away of Erin’s Mom due to a traffic accident. What suddenly I had in my mind was how Erin would react to this situation.

I remember, I was at her age when losing my Mom. I had a really happy childhood and when my mother died, I felt like it was the end of the world.

Everybody was busy themselves during the funeral and after all I was left alone, no shoulders to cry on, no friends to share, no siblings to hug and shed my tears. I had to be able to encourage my self during this transitional age, from a kid to a teenager.

There was an anger in me, the anxiety of why God take my Mom, whereas HE knew I was still in the mourning due to passing away of Papa. I really didn’t understand God’s way. I thought HE was turning away, turning HIS face away from me.

Well, it has been 24 years ago when all those happened. Now, I accept all those happenings joyfully since I believe God was just too wise to be mistaken by taking my Papa and Mom away.

HE carefully touch my life and whisper all the time to my ears : “Ita, I’ll never leave you alone, I’ll be with you all the time and your future is in MY hands”. Just as day time shifted to the night, when the sun rise and set, all the cycle of life, God is in charge and promised to be an ever present help in time. I had to trust HIM, and as it is began, my hopeless days turns into treasured moments with HIM.

This is what I would like to share with Erin. God is not turning away when all the troubles and hardship come. Joy and sorrow, happiness and trouble are just the season of life, but they will also declare the presence of God. Joy is not the absence of hardship but the presence of God, all the time.

** Erin, Auntie Ita and Kiki, express our deepest condolences on the passing away of your beloved Mom. Though she may move beyond our reach, but she is in Heavenly Father’s care.

Keep strong in faith. Jesus loves you, so do we!!

*** Precious in the sight of The Lord is the death of HIS faithful ones. [Psalm 116 : 15]


Unknown said...

loosing the love one is the most sadness moment,..we used to blame and always asked to God.."why me Lord?..why...?
a thousand questions came from my mouth in my past when I loose the love one...and it was not only once..but again and again.. I was thought that it my curse...that was before I met Jesus..
and I realize..there is a season for everything..Jesus teach me from every situation to become more wise..and always count on HIM in everything..from pain,sorrow and tears,..there is always beautiful rainbow..always..and God is so good..all the time...
love you sist,...D

Jiewa said...

Dia tak pernah salah dan rencanaNya selalu indah..
Keep writing, Keep inspiring Ms Ita :)


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