Monday, May 16, 2011


The first step toward conquering an addiction is to admit that you have an addiction. Most smokers would admit anything but an addiction itself, which is a problem. When you’re addicted, you give up your life to it. As many smokers can attest to, quit smoking is not like telling your best friends to go to somewhere out there.

Hey … I was a smoker.

I loved to smoke and was very good at it too. I loved the way the cigarettes fit in my hand, and smoking is not only about the taste your tongue tasted but the feeling, confident, dignity, affirmation and any other pleasant and poised and self assured things, name it! The feeling. The sensation. In pursuing of that feeling, even my daughter's wishes on her 5th birthday that she wanted me to stop smoking, touchy, but it didn't stop me. I just didn't do it when in the house.

It was not in my agenda to quit nicotine, simply because I had convinced my self that if I wanted to quit, I could not do it in a heart beat. Not too long ago, in 2007, only by God’s grace, I gave up smoking, quit successfully. Truth to be told, I got tired of being defined by cigarettes.

I give it up, I give it up……, shouted out loud and plea “Lord, I can’t do this by my self, I will stop. Yes I will, just help me to stop!” God has been taking me back to a certain prayer I have forgotten, a prayer that had always been at the very core of my spirit, a prayer that opens a way for breakthroughs, a prayer that has the power to transform lives, a prayer that God wants to hear from me, to surrender to HIS true will. I want to be free, and HE is the only one can set me free.

I must fight with strong desires of feeling, the ecstatic feeling, the amusement smoking brings. I must let it go and set my self free 


If smoking was aimed to affirm our dignity, God has given us a dignity, hasn’t HE? If it was for a self confidence, our self confidence is not defined by a cigarette but the value within us. Naïve? The truth is our body is the holy temple of The Lord, by making it sick due to nicotine then we ruin the holy sanctuary of The Lord. You can’t set yourself free but listen to your heart, to the love of God inside you, take comfort in the knowledge that God knows you better than you know yourself. HE knows how you tick, and HE can repair you anytime you ask.

The truth is smokers know their A.C.F.s pretty well : Arsenic, Cyanide and Formaldehyde – the regular cocktail contained in a cigarette. I understand that to a –non smoker-, smoking is not only dangerous but also – let’s hear it- gross.

The first step is, off course, that you have to decide to stop and you will, then try to figure out every of your daily situation you have to cope, and every time you are about to give up your struggle, listen to your heart, deep ... deep... within your heart, there is a huge power in you, the power of God that strengthen you to overcome every temptation, believe in your self, you win!!

It’s not about the price of the cigarettes but setting your self FREE. STOP SMOKING!! You’ll be healthier, fresher and happier. Surely, you will share love with your family in an unselfish way by not making them passive smokers. 

Trust me, I did.

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