Notes of life
Living life on my own terms
Monday, January 8, 2024
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Seeing Kiki today who is no longer a child that I can carry, instead... Kiki is my honest and spontaneous discussion partner, Kiki who has started her career, I see quite far the journey we have traveled together and I never stop thanking God for HIS und-ending love and mercy. How time flies, she has accomplished her postgraduate studies this year.
As a single parent, Kiki is a reflection of my life's journey. Like parents in general I also experience worries and fear. Fear of not being able to educate and raise her properly. Afraid of making mistakes so often I 'forgot' to enjoy her existence. Worry, have I been present to be the parent she needs? I have to manage my time as well as possible as a working mother who is also a bread winner and a head of the family.
I don't know how to be an ideal parent. I was realistic enough to accept that our situations were different compared to 'normal' families in common. With only one single parent plays multiple roles as a Mom, a Dad, a bread-winner, a friend of each other, of course it is different compared to the ideal family.
Our life journey taught me many life lessons. The hardest learning process was how not to project all my fears and worries onto her. I experienced a very deep inner struggle until I finally realized that Kiki is an independent individual who was born with the freedom to be herself, without the need to be burdened by all forms of my worries. Of course I still teach her about the values of life that she should live, to always be thankful in any situation, to always involve God in every single thing in life.
Our life is not perfect, our journey is not always smooth, we are certainly not an ideal complete beauty family, but we are fine! :)
To God all the glory!
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Don’t prioritize your looks my friend, they won’t last the journey.
Your sense of humour though, will only get better. Your intuition will grow and expand like a majestic cloak of wisdom.
Your ability to choose your battles, will be fine-tuned to perfection. Your capacity for stillness, for living in the moment, will blossom, and your desire to live each and every moment will transcend all other wants.
Your instinct for knowing what (and who) is worth your time, will grow and flourish like ivy on a castle wall
Don’t prioritize your looks my friend, they will change forevermore, that pursuit is one of much sadness and disappointment.
Prioritize the uniqueness that make you you, and the invisible magnet that draws in other like-minded souls to dance in your orbit.
These are the things which will only get better.
Donna Ashworth
From The Right Words: when you need them most
Thursday, December 22, 2022
In the end I believe that limits exist and are made to emphasize that we are human beings those full of limitations and limits exist to keep everything in balance. Have you ever imagined if our body continues to grow tall without limit? How troublesome is that? Likewise if the desires and passions in our humanity grow without limits.
Now if I look back, walking through memory lane, I can't stop being grateful that my daughter and me both are doing well and supporting each other and we are contented. I count myself as contented instead of successful. I am entrusted a good job, with its privilege, and level of influence that enables me to serve people and share good things. I am more than happy when knowing that my existence brings good influence to others.
I don't think that I have to be successful according to anyone's or any standards. I do the best in my ability to succeed, not only to my satisfaction but to be able to bless others. For me a meaningful life is more noble than just being successful and happy.
The world of reality has its limit, the world of imagination is boundless. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
"I have"
We have all been in situations where we have done wrong and desire forgiveness—from a spouse, family member, friend, or even a co-worker. Sometimes the person we most need forgiveness from is ourselves. And then there are the times when someone is asking us for forgiveness, and we have to look deeply in ourselves to offer it, no strings attached. It's hard! Whether you are giving or receiving forgiveness, it's a very powerful thing.
"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.' " Matthew 18:21-22
Some time ago a friend in Bali (we've been friends since college), whom we haven't been in contact for quite some time, suddenly texted me and forwarded a text she got from someone, in which the content of the text was about me which was described very badly.
She knows, everything told in the text was not true. She knew that Ita, whom she had known for so long, couldn't possibly do something like that. In the end, we laughed about it.
Not long after, I received another forwarded text message (with the same content) from another friend of mine. OMG. I don't know to how many people this message has been sent to.
I thanked them for forwarding that slanderous texts to me. They trust me more than a total stranger who sent them the text and said somethin cruel about their good friend.
They suggested me to contact the sender of those slanderous messages and confront what he had done to me. With gratitude for their sincere concern I refuse to do so, as it would be pointless for me to explain.
I choose to think that the sender of the message, who by the nature of his job is to create characters and write stories, at that time he was creating an imaginative character and he named that character as Ita. He described the character as a woman who likes to control, interferes with the lives of those around her, is very demanding, jealous and fussy. This imaginative character is what he shared to my friends.
That is not me. Even my friends knew it wasn't me. So, it's useless for me to explain to the world that it's not me. If the world chooses to believe it is the real Ita, then that's their right, because believing is a decision.
What people think about me is none of my business!
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32
Forgiving | Do you know what that is, to forgive?
Its a decision we make to release a person from the feeling of anger we have at them. Its strange. Its hardest of all to forgive someone we love.
"Were you having a hard time forgiving?"
"I was"
Note :
I forgot to mention that at that time I was dealing with someone with NPD spectrum. A person with NPD does not (will never) know that he has NPD.
Saturday, July 23, 2022
FUN FACTS are never "fun"!
As if starting a new job (or joining a new group) wasn’t scary enough, so often we’ll be asked to introduce ourselves by way of a “fun fact.”
Inevitably, at that moment, we will forget everything we’ve ever done, every place we’ve ever been, every of our accomplishments. Then, there will be nothing to say, and we’ll end up blurting out our "un-fun" things, or something equally uninteresting.
It’s not our fault. This is a bad practice, a damning prompt. Employers, especially, should not ask their employees to produce fun facts. It’s enough to be there to do the job for which they were hired.
But, if you once again find yourself in a situation in which you must produce a fun fact — and you will — you might as well be prepared. The ideal fun fact is two things (in my opinion) : (1) interesting enough to ensure nobody makes you do it over, and (2) not so interesting that everyone has lots of follow-up questions. It doesn’t have to be fun. It will rarely be fun. You just need something to say.
Fun fact about me? 😉🤔
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Pasangan Hidup Itu Bukan Soal Jodoh Tapi Pilihan
Menurutmu, pasangan hidup itu jodoh atau pilihan? Pertanyaan itu secara otomatis mengingatkan pada pertanyaan saya bertahun-tahun lalu: Jodoh itu sebenarnya ada ngga siy?
Seringkali saya mendengar orang menghibur seseorang yang patah hati dengan kalimat “Ya mungkin bukan jodoh”. Atau banyak juga yang memotivasi dengan kalimat “Kalau jodoh nggak akan ke mana”. Dulu saya percaya-percaya saja. Tapi semakin lama, saya jadi bingung memikirkannya. Jodoh itu ada ngga siy?
1. Bicara soal jodoh, artinya ada seseorang yang ‘mau-tak-mau’ akan bersama kita. Sedang setiap orang memiliki pilihan yang berbeda.
Dulu saya berpikir jodoh itu adalah sesuatu yang “mistis” sekaligus romantis. Maksudnya, konsep bahwa ada seseorang yang diciptakan untuk satu sama lain, itu sangat indah bukan? Karena dengan begitu, takdir sudah menjamin bahwa suatu saat kita akan bertemu dengan “orang itu”. Namun kemudian saya berpikir, bukankah setiap orang punya kehendak bebas dan pilihan? Bagaimana bila seseorang yang ditakdirkan untuk saya itu memilih untuk hidup selibat? Apakah itu artinya saya sudah dikhianati oleh jodoh yang bahkan belum saya temui?
2. Tak ada dua orang yang benar-benar cocok atas segala hal. Sebuah hubungan selalu tentang kompromi.
Jiwa lugu saya dulu juga berpikir, tak ada yang bisa mengalahkan takdir. Bila dia jodohmu, kecocokan itu sudah mendarah daging dan sulit diingkari. Namun, semakin dewasa, ternyata saya melakukan kompromi ketika sedang jatuh cinta. Ada hal-hal yang tidak cocok dari dia, namun saya terima dan sebaliknya. Ada hal-hal di antara kami yang sangat berbeda tapi saya anggap tidak apa-apa. Begitulah sebuah hubungan berjalan. Tak ada yang benar-benar cocok antara dua orang, yang ada adalah kemauan untuk berkompromi dan menekan ego sendiri untuk menyikapi perbedaan.
3. Perjalanan cinta bukan sesuatu yang autopilot. Bertahan atau tidaknya, tergantung seberapa besar perjuangan.
Dulu saya juga berpikir bahwa ketika sudah jodoh, sebuah hubungan pasti akan bertahan dan sebaliknya. Jadi kalau sudah jodoh, perjuangannya ngga harus mati-matian. Santai saja, toh nanti ujung-ujungnya sama dia. Di usia ini saya belajar bahwa konflik juga diperlukan untuk saling mendewasakan dan bahkan menguatkan perasaan.
Lagipula, kita sering mempersempit bahwa jodoh/tidaknya pasangan itu dilihat dari sampai ke pernikahan atau tidak. Padahal resepsi pernikahan bukanlah akhir perjuangan, melainkan awal babak baru. Apakah hubungan itu berjalan hingga dipisahkan kematian atau tidak, semuanya tergantung pada perjuangan dan komitmen masing-masing untuk bertahan.
4. Jatuh cinta mungkin bukan pilihan. Tapi apa yang saya lakukan setelahnya sepenuhnya saya yang tentukan.
Bicara jodoh tentu tak bisa lepas dari perkara cinta. Ya, saya percaya bahwa jatuh cinta itu bukan pilihan. Kalau jatuh cinta itu pilihan, tentunya tidak ada istilah people we can’t have, karena kita semua akan memilih orang yang pasti dapat kita miliki untuk jatuh cinta. Jadi apakah mungkin kita jatuh cinta pada orang lain saat sudah punya pasangan? Sangat mungkin. Tetapi, apa yang kita lakukan atas perasaan cinta itu adalah sebuah keputusan yang diambil dari pilihan-pilihan. Bisa saja saya menyatakannya dengan lantang alih-alih menyimpannya diam-diam karena saya sudah berkomitmen dengan orang lain, ataupun sebaliknya.
5. Ketika sebuah hubungan berakhir dengan berbagai alasan, itu bukan karena tidak jodoh. Melainkan karena masing-masing sudah menyerah untuk saling memperjuangkan.
Ketika meng-amin-i bahwa pasangan hidup adalah jodoh yang dikirimkan, lantas saya berpikir, bagaimana jika saya salah menerjemahkan pesan Tuhan? Bagaimana bila saya mengira jodoh orang lain adalah jodoh saya, atau orang lain mengira jodoh saya adalah jodohnya?
Apakah alasan “bukan jodoh” inilah yang membuat suami-istri yang sudah menikah 30 tahun kemudian bercerai? Atau mungkin yang terjadi justru mereka berhenti karena sudah menyerah untuk mempertahankan sebuah hubungan karena satu dan lain hal. Saya lebih percaya yang kedua.
6. Jodoh dan cinta itu irrational, sedangkan mencari pasangan hidup harus rasional.
Kalau melihat bagaimana kita menggambarkan jodoh selama ini–mulai dari butterfly effect di perut hingga bisikan ajaib bahwa dia the right one untukmu–itu adalah yang mistis dan ngga masuk akal kan? Tapi bicara soal mencari pasangan hidup, kita (diharapkan) untuk rasional. Kalau menuruti keinginan, ya saya ingin pasangan hidup saya adalah Irwan Mussry yang tampan dan mapan. Tapi keinginan itu ngga rasional, bukan? Sebaliknya, kita mungkin saja sangat mencintai seseorang, namun karena satu dan lain hal, kita ngga mengharapkan orang itu sebagai pasangan hidup untuk selamanya.
Jodoh adalah konsep abstrak yang memang sangat ampuh untuk memotivasi diri saya sendiri. Saya menyebut “jodoh” ketika sesuatu itu bisa saya raih. Sebaliknya, saya menyebut “ngga jodoh” saat sesuatu itu gagal saya raih.
Lagipula jika benar jodoh adalah sosok yang diciptakan untuk saya dan karenanya garis kami adalah harga mati, saya benar-benar khawatir bila jodoh saya sebenarnya memutuskan untuk hidup sendiri.
Thursday, July 29, 2021
I always think that when I come home from work there will be lots of thoughts and stories going through my head, then I will jump on the bed, tell my husband everything, I want my husband to be able to respond enthusiastically, enthusiastic but calm, willing to patiently listen, smiling, then at the end when I have spoken too long he can silence me by hugging me, hugging me warmly, I will melt in his body.
That kind of love will fill you with joy and excitement each day❤ That kind of person that is proof that everything that is happening now is for something good in the future, that kind of person that each time we look into his eyes, I know that "he loves me, and everything will be okay".
Before I continue writing, forgive me for the title of this post that may sounds like it understates the meaning of marriage. NO! It is not ...

This writing is dedicated to Erin on the passing away of her beloved Mom. Erin is one of my daughter’s school mates while in PETRA elemen...
There is a place in the south part of Jogjakarta, known as Kotagede where it is a central of silver handy...
Hasil berselancar di Youtube membawa saya kepada klip film Shrek. (Just for your information, saya hanya suka nonton film yang realistic. D...